Volt is a sweet girl who is perfectly content laying around all day. She is very curious about everything, and is learning the sounds of being in a home. She may follow you around to see what you’re doing because everything is so interesting! She’s still unsure about some of the outdoor noises she hears. When she gets uncomfortable outside she goes to the back door asking to go back in. She is not bothered by other dogs, cats, or children. Volt is currently learning how to walk on a leash. She can go on short 10 min walks, but tires easily. Hopefully she’ll slowly be able to work up to longer walks. She gets excited when people return home and she also LOVES food. She is very smart and knows where her food is kept. Whenever she hears the door open, she goes to that area with a wagging tail, eager to eat. She is also learning all about affection. She’ll let you know when she wants you to continue petting her, by leaning into you. We’re working on crate training as well. She doesn’t necessarily want to go into her crate, but once she’s in there she lays right down with a tasty treat.